Our deep and wide pastoral infrastructure, including trained counsellors, works to mitigate and react to incidences and situations, whilst our Positively Kellett curriculum focuses on equipping students to handle and thrive when faced with life’s challenges. Delivered to all students for a lesson each week, Positively Kellett addresses a wide range of topics such as relationships, rights and responsibilities, helping students to become informed, critical, responsible, healthy and active citizens. Kellett is recognised as a Beacon school for wellbeing by the Council of British International Schools.
Pastoral care at Kellett is deliberately multilayered, involving teachers, tutors, Heads of House, and trained students, alongside a dedicated wellbeing team of counsellors and nurses.
Over thirty staff are trained in Mental Health First Aid and students are trained to be Peer Mentors.
These staff wear a purple badge so students can easily identify and approach them if they are feeling worried or anxious, and our trained students will listen in the first instance and signpost them to the appropriate adult.
A House system in both Prep and Senior provide a small, nurturing and collegiate community where students can find support from students in other year groups and staff members.
Positively Kellett
Every child, every week, has a Positively Kellett lesson where they engage in a bespoke curriculum intended to equip them with a toolkit of skills to help them navigate our rapidly changes world and the challenges it poses each and every one of us.
The explicit curriculum is just one arm of our approach. As well as community training and parental education programmes, Positively Kellett is supported through our regular Feel Good Fridays. Feel Good Fridays are a joint student and staff initiative, designed to send students into the weekend feeling great.
Dinner Discussions are held with parents at key junctures in a child’s development on topics such as technology use around the age children are given mobiles, preparing for the teen years and approaching adulthood.