Kellett offers a rich and varied programme of extra-curricular activities (ECAs) that contribute to the development of the student as a whole. We strongly believe that committed participation in a broad selection of ECAs helps build a strong and developed personal profile for their future.

Each year we offer over 50 different activities for our students, most of which are included in school fees. ECAs are offered before school, at lunchtimes and after school. Kellett staff are responsible for the planning and delivery of most our ECAs. We also engage specialist external providers to enhance the offerings for our students.

Flickr album: Prep ECA Slideshow | Height: auto | Theme: Justified | Skin: Default Skin

Our students are offered the choice of a wide selection of extra-curricular activities which reflect the school's passion and success in sport and expressive arts.

Students also have the opportunity to represent their year group at Student Council where students discuss ways to improve the school and plan activities. 

SportsExpressive ArtsOther
Asia Pacific SoccerChoirAstro Club
Athletics/Cross CountryDramaBattle of Books (BOB)
Ball SkillsHula Hoop DanceChess
CricketInstrumental EnsemblesCoding
FencingJunior Violin ProjectKellett Tellit (Student Newsletter)
FootballSchool MusicalLego STEM
GymnasticsPrep ChoirScience Club
Martial ArtsPrep OrchestraStormy Chef
T-BallSpeech & DramaMove Monkeys
RugbytotsVisual ArtHobby Club
Running ClubJunior Strings 
SwimmingUkulele Group 
Touch RugbyDance Crew 
MinisportsClarinet & Saxophone (Starter) 