Preparatory classes place a strong emphasis on high levels of attainment in Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Digital Skills, and specialist teaching is provided in physical education, music, art, Mandarin, public speaking and digital skills.

Our Prep Classes

Class sizes are kept to a maximum of 24 students, enabling children and families to be known as individuals. Pok Fu Lam has three classes per year group, whilst Kowloon Bay has two.

In a child’s first year in Reception, their class teacher is partnered by a full-time teaching assistant, from Years 1 to 4 teachers are supported by a part-time teaching assistant, and in Years 5 and 6, an assistant works across the whole year group.

photo of a prap class

iPad Learning

Kellett School have long recognised the important role technology plays in the day-to-day lives of our learners. New technologies allow our teachers and students to experience new and exciting forms of learning.

We currently have a 1:1 iPad programme for Years 1-6 with iPads also available in Reception, either as part of the continuous provision or for sharing work.

All devices are owned, managed and maintained by the school, ensuring they are safe and secure for all learners. We also provide a heavy-duty case and a stylus that is appropriate to the age of the student and the work they will be completing.

Why iPad?

The iPad has allowed us to enhance our learning provision. Augmented reality, voice and video recording, graphic design and book creation, are just some of the many exciting avenues we have been able to explore. Having access to a device at all times enables students to showcase their thinking and learning in multiple ways, such as text, photos, video and audio - which is incredibly powerful.

Participation in a 1:1 programme gives our students an ideal means to demonstrate our school values, by entrusting responsibility and through providing challenge and opportunity.  Students can access their iPad to carry out an impromptu piece of research, take a photo of a science experiment, or respond to a teacher’s comments. All of this can be done without having to reserve technology for a given session or wait for another class to finish using shared devices.

Building opportunities to work digitally helps ensure children begin to acquire the skills they will need for a mid-21st century education and beyond.