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Contact Details
Principal & CEO : Paul Tough | |
Address: Kowloon Bay Prep & Senior 7 Lam Hing Street, Kowloon Bay | Pok Fu Lam Prep 2 Wah Lok Path, Wah Fu, Pok Fu Lam |
Main Office Telephone: +852 3120 0700 |
How to find us
If you would like to get in touch with us, please select which Department you would like to contact and fill in the form, and we will be sure to get back to you as soon as we can.
For Admission enquiry, please let us know these information along with in your enquiry message.
- Are you currently based in HK or overseas?
- Date of birth of your child/ren
- Which campus are you interested in applying to?
- Pok Fu Lam Prep (Reception - Y6)
- Kowloon Bay Prep (Reception - Y6)
- Kowloon Bay Senior (Y7 - 13)