Congratulations to 2022-23 Year 11 students on their excellent (i)GCSE results. We are incredibly proud of each of our student’s individual successes, not least that they have been achieved against the backdrop of spending over a third of their Year 10 learning from home due to Covid.
2023 Headlines:
- Over a third of subjects secured 75% and above at A* (9-8)
- More than half of all subjects secured 75% and above at A*/A (9-7)
- More than half of all subjects secured 90% and above at A*/B (9-6)
There are also many individual success stories;
- 8 students (9.5%) secured straight A* (9-8) grades
- 37 students (44%) received 8 or more A* (9-8) grades (Honours board)
- 61 students (72.6%) received 8 or more A*/A (9-7) grades
- 68 students (81%) received 8 or more A*/A/B (9-6) grades
These impressive results are just reward for the sustained and focussed hard work and commitment from both our students and staff and are a good reflection of this wonderful cohort of students. As can be seen in the graph above, these outcomes compare very well with previous years. That said, and as I am sure you are aware, we should be very cautious when comparing years, as the circumstances under which the grades have been awarded and the academic profile of each cohort is quite unique.
These results and the education received at Kellett School provide our students an excellent foundation on which to build, develop and flourish.